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Pytanie Odpowiedź
Si ganara la lotería, viajaría por todo el mundo.
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If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world.
Si yo estuviese en Brasil, iría a Río de Janeiro.
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If I were in Brazil, I would go to Rio de Janeiro.
Si yo fuese tú, compraría ese auto.
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If I were you, I would buy that car.
Si él estuviese en mi lugar, no haría esto.
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If he were in my place, he wouldn't do this.
Si yo tuviese más dinero, me compraría un lindo apartamento.
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If I had more money, I would buy a nice apartment.
Si ella tuviera más tiempo, viajaría más a menudo.
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If she had more time, she would travel more often.
Si no estuviese lloviendo, podríamos salir.
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If it were not raining, we could go out.
Si no tuviésemos que trabajar hoy, podríamos tener un picnic.
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If we didn't have to work today, we could have a picnic.
Si ellos ganaran la lotería, no trabajarían más.
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If they won the lottery, they wouldn't work any more.
Si la viera, la invitaría a salir.
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If I saw her, I would ask her out.
Si fueras a Brazil, no querrías regresar.
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If you went to Brazil, you wouldn't want to come back.
Si ellos hablasen español, los entenderíamos.
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If they spoke Spanish, we would understand them.
Si el no viviera cerca del río, no podría ir a pescar.
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If he didn't live by the river, he couldn't go fishing.
Si no quisiera ir, te lo diría.
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If I didn't want to go, I would tell you.
Si ellos trabajaran para esa compañía, podrían tener mejores sueldos.
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If they worked for that company, they might have better salaries.
Si ella escribiese un libro, sería un best
If she wrote a book, it would be a best
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Si yo hubiera ganado la lotería, habría viajado por todo el mundo.
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If I had won the lottery, I would have traveled around the world.
Si lo hubiese visto, le habría contado acerca de ti.
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If I had seen him, I would have told him about you.
Si hubiese sabido la respuesta, habría levantado mi mano.
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If I had known the answer, I would have raised my hand.
Si ella hubiese venido el sábado, la habría visto.
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If she had come on Saturday, I would have seen her.
Si ellos hubiesen salido más temprano, habrían llegado a tiempo.
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If they had left earlier, they would have arrived on time.
Si hubiésemos estudiado más duro, podríamos haber aprobado la prueba.
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If we had studied harder, we might have passed the test.
Si tu hubieses ido a Brasil, habrías tenido mucha diversión.
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If you had gone to Brazil, you would have had lots of fun.
Si no hubiese estado tan ocupado, te podría haber ayudado.
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If I hadn't been so busy, I could have helped you.
Si tu me hubieses telefoneado, habría sabido que estabas aquí.
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If you had phoned me, I would have known you were here.
Si ellos nos hubiesen invitado, habríamos aceptado de inmediato.
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If they had invited us, we would have accepted at once.
Si no hubiese olvidado su número, lo habría llamado.
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If I hadn't forgotten his number, I would have phoned him.
Si ella me hubiese explicado el problema, lo habría entendido.
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If she had explained me the problem, I would have understood it.
Si no hubiese llovido, habríamos ido a pescar.
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If it hadn't rained, we would have gone fishing.
Si mi hermana hubiese estado aquí, habría disfrutado esto.
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If my sister had been here, she would have enjoyed this.
Si no hubiesen tomado tanto anoche, no se habrían sentido enfermos hoy.
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If they hadn't drunk so much last night, they wouldn't have felt sick today.
Si él hubiese trabajado más, podría haver ahorrado más dinero.
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If he had worked more, he could have saved more money.
Si llueve hoy, me quedaré en casa.
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If it rains today, I'll stay at home.
Si está ocupado ahora, regresaré mañana.
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If he is busy now, I will come back tomorrow.
Si tengo tiempo, visitaré a mis padres esta tarde.
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If I have time, I'll visit my parents this afternoon.
Si está caluroso mañana, iremos a la playa.
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If it is warm tomorrow, we'll go to the beach.
Si está frío, debes usar ropa abrigada.
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If it is cold, you must wear warm clothes.
Si él no hace su tarea, no puede ir a la fiesta.
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If he doesn't do his homework, he can not go to the party.
Si ella no te llama, tú puedes llamarla.
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If she doesn't call you, you can call her.
Si trabajas duro, puede que te conviertas en un millonario algún día.
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If you work hard, you may become a millonaire someday.
Si gastas más de lo que ganas, te convertirás en un hombre pobre.
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If you spend more than you earn, you'll become a poor man.
Si ellos no te invitan, no debes ir.
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If they don't invite you, you must not go.
Si no nos apuramos, perderemos nuestro autobus.
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If we don't hurry, we'll miss our bus.
Si pagas ahora, obtendrás un descuento.
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If you pay now, you'll get a discount.
Si no quieren salir, se pueden quedar en casa.
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If they don't want to go out, they can stay home.
Si bebes demasiado, te emborracharás.
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If you drink too much, you'll get drunk.
Si te sientes enfermo, debes quedarte en cama.
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If you feel sick, you must stay in bed.
Si ellos no vienen aquí, tendremos que ir allí.
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If they don't come here, we'll have to go there.

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