słownik polsko - angielski

język polski - English

statystyk po angielsku:

1. statistician

I'm casting aspersions on his competency as a statistician.

Angielskie słowo "statystyk" (statistician) występuje w zestawach:

UNIT 12 Nauka i technika (REPETYTORIUM)
[12] VB: Science and technology
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nauka i technika słownictwo
Unit 12 Nauka i technika

2. Statistics

We need to add some statistics to the PowerPoint.
Statistics show that very few people live to be a hundred.
The statistics show that our standard of living is high.
Statistics don't always tell the whole story.
Statistics indicate that our living standards have risen.
I took these statistics from a government white paper on education.
Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable.
Statistics show that the population of the world is increasing.
The statistics gave ammunition to her argument.
The expert analyzed the statistics in detail.
Statistics deals with collected numbers representing facts.
In these statistics Egypt is classed as an African nation.
According to the statistics, you would be wrong.
According to statistics, men's wages are higher than women's.
I accommodate statistics to theory.

Angielskie słowo "statystyk" (Statistics) występuje w zestawach:

Moduł Younga – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Tłumacz DeepL - najlepszy translator na świecie
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nauka i naukowcy