słownik polsko - angielski

język polski - English

stek kłamstw po angielsku:

1. a pack of lies a pack of lies

It's a pack of lies! You have never seen the duchess Diana, not to mension meeting her.
All you're saying is a pack of lies!
What Jack told me about you is a pack of lies; I don't believe him.
The whole story of where she'd worked before and whom she'd met there was a pack of lies.
Her story was a pack of lies

Angielskie słowo "stek kłamstw" (a pack of lies) występuje w zestawach:

Can you spot when someone is lying?
other vocabulary - planner, watching, reading at h...
Book 6, Modul 5, Unit 18
are men new women
Englisz ticzing 20.03

2. tissue of lies tissue of lies

Everything we heard yesterday was a tissue of lies.
The woman admitted that the whole kidnapping story was a tissue of lies.

Angielskie słowo "stek kłamstw" (tissue of lies) występuje w zestawach:

ang-pol 01.2018