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Pytanie Odpowiedź
komunał, truizm a phrase or an idea that has been used so often that it no longer has much meaning and is not interesting
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Wyświechtany, oklepany (of a phrase, story, etc.) heard so often that it does not sound interesting any more
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to shout loudly, for example because you are angry, excited, frightened or in pain (krzyknąć)
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ostro skrytykować to attack or criticize sb very severely, especially in public
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bez wyrazu, nijaki not interesting or exciting; dull
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wyświechtany dull and boring because it has been expressed so many times before; not original
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rozpowszechniać, to spread information, knowledge, etc. so that it reaches many people
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wściekać się informal to annoy sb or make them angry
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podenerwowany, zirytowany nervous, especially about what might happen
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walczyć zwalczyć to stop sth unpleasant or harmful from happening or from getting worse
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interesowny (disapproving) (of people) behaving in a particular way or doing a particular activity only when it is pleasant for them:
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, to raise your shoulders and then drop them to show that you do not know or care about sth (wzruszenie ramion)
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Shrug of the shoulders
a kind of suit (smoking)
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more important than anything else (nadrzędny)
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lacking knowledge or information about sth; not educated (niedouczony, prymitywny)
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a large number of things that happen or arrive at the same time (potop, zalew)
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not interesting or exciting (mdły, pozbawiony wyrazu)
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unpleasant noise, like the noise that comes from a television or radio that is turned on but not tuned in
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White noise,
1 used to say that you do not care if sb accepts or rejects your offer 2 used to say that sb does not have a strong opinion about sth
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sb can take it or leave it

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