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It also reported a prevalence of 1.68 per 1,000 for children under 15 years.
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występowanie (np. choroby)
riding crop, crop, riding whip
He tried to hit us with his crop, but he missed.
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rozpocznij naukę
stout, porter (piwo)
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wielkie mi ale
de-emphasize, e-emphasise
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przykładać mniejszą wagę, zmniejszyć kładziony nacisk
Why must I be looked upon as being a pariah?
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She had a baby and thus quit her job
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stąd, tak więc, dlatego
He reduced his expenses thus saving some money.
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w ten sposób, tym samym
And they're thusly going to keep each of them operating.
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stąd, tak więc, dlatego
It is more difficult, thusly, for them to turn and fire over their right shoulder.
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w ten sposób, tym samym
thus far
This mystery thus far has remained unsolved.
rozpocznij naukę
do tej pory, jak dotąd
so far, thus far
Here is a look at how things have gone so far.
rozpocznij naukę
jak dotąd, na razie, jak do tej pory
so far so good
So far so good, but where should he start from?
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jak na razie jest dobrze
in so far as, insofar as, in as far as
In so far as we do not need them, they may die.
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o tyle że
to bark
My dog started barking while I was talking on the phone.
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szczekać, ujadać
to bark
At first, when she used to do it, I would get up and bark my head off, but not now.
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otrzeć, zedrzeć (np. kolano w czasie upadku)
to bark
Trees in the area were debarked, one of which had a car wrapped around it.
rozpocznij naukę
korować, okorować (obdzierać drzewo z kory)
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kora (na drzewie)
But just as quickly, he came out, without a single bark.
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szczekanie, ujadanie
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barking mad, barking british english
And, barking mad: Nine hundred pounds for a dog with no lead.
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bez piątej klepki, szalony
you don't keep a dog and bark yourself
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kazał pan, musiał sam
The moon doesn't care for barking dogs
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Psy szczekają, a karawana jedzie dalej
In fact, she had embarked on a second career at age 51.
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wchodzić na pokład
The group members embarked on a study of 10 families with young children.
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zaokrętować, załadowywać, wprowadzić na pokład
embark on something, embark upon something
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wyruszać, rozpoczynać (np. podróż)
embark on something, embark upon something
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rozpoczynać, podejmować, przedsięwziąć (np. kampanię)
bark beetle
European bark beetles have the ability to spread quickly over large areas.
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dung beetle
Out of the can he took one large black dung beetle after another.
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żuk gnojowy (chrząszcz)
dung heap, dunghill, dungheap
I had been following the smell of a dung heap!
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pile up
You shouldn't leave your stuff piled up like this.
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układać w stos
pile up
The reports will begin to pile up. (R
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nagromadzać się, piętrzyć się
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ponownie zaokrętowywać (się
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ponownie załadowywać
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ponownie wprowadzać na pokład, ponownie wchodzić na pokład
tree bark
Long ago the material was animal skin or tree bark.
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kora drzewa
"Cinchona was right about more than that," a voice said behind them.
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drzewo chinowe, chinowiec
cinchona, cinchona bark
Now, all I required was a good stock of cinchona bark.
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kora chinowa
More evidence is needed to rate the effectiveness of cinchona for these uses.
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debark, disembark
The ship was last debarked on 27 September 1920 and sold in 1923.
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wyładowywać (towar), rozładowywać (statek, samolot)
debark, disembark
The last person to debark was a woman who lost her scarf as she passed me.
rozpocznij naukę
wysiadać (ze statku, samolotu), opuszczać (pokład)
debarkation, disembarkation
In the rush attending debarkation, he had no chance to discuss the subject further.
rozpocznij naukę
wysiadanie (z samolotu, statku), opuszczanie (pokładu)
debarkation, disembarkation
And hope the point of debarkation, where the winning was easier, can be found again.
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wyładowywanie (towaru), rozładowywanie (statku, samolotu)
dog barking
All night long the children could hear a dog barking, but no one came.
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szczekanie psa
barking spider
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tyłek, dupa, odbyt
All people produce and release flatulence, on average 14 times every day.
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He took some pains to repeat the exorcism against sickness of the entrails, flatulency and the rest; it could do no harm to observe this precaution, though he was no priest.
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Barking dogs seldom bite
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Krowa, która dużo ryczy, mało mleka daje
bark up the wrong tree
Could he once again be barking up the wrong tree?
rozpocznij naukę
skupiać się na niewłaściwym problemie, mylić się w ocenie czegoś
somebody's bark is worse than somebody's bite
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pies, który dużo szczeka, nie gryzie (ktoś nie jest tak groźny, jakiego udaje)
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At last the water began to ebb, running back the other way.
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ustąpić, ustępować (np. przypływ)
But the energy seemed to ebb away after that, along with the color.
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stopnieć, zmaleć (np. fortuna, entuzjazm)
be at a low ebb
By this time American air power was at a low ebb.
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przechodzić kryzys
ebb tide
They knew, all right: the current was treacherous, especially on an ebb tide.
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You can be every kind of treacherous thing at once!
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podstępny, zdradziecki, oszukańczy (o osobie)
It is just going to be a more treacherous road.
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zdradliwy (np. teren), niebezpieczny (np. o drodze)
Here, however, he was treacherously arrested by order of the king, and put to death.
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zdradziecko, podstępnie
As they stepped out from their shelter the treacherousness of the ground beneath their feet allowed no room for anything except total concentration.
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rising tide
The towel we left a bit too close to the rising tide.
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low tide
When's the next low tide?
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odpływ (na oceanie, morzu)
high tide
It would have washed away at high tide.
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przypływ (na oceanie, morzu)
See, the tide is going down over the sand.
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pływ, fala
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fala powodowana przez prąd
Still, I feel as if the tide of history is against me.
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bieg, rozwój sytuacji
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fala, zalew (np. emocji)
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masa ludzi
The tide must be taken when it comes
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trzeba korzystać z okazji, zanim będzie za późno
Time and tide wait for no man.
Time and tide wait for no man - and time has run out for you.
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Czas nie czeka na nikogo.
Time and tide wait for no man
Time and tide wait for no man, not even a little boy rushing to finish his sand castle before it gets washed away.
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Czasu ani morza nie da się zatrzymać
tide of crime
Law enforcement wasn't even stemming the tide of crime, never mind turning it back.
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fala przestępstw
tide of something
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bieg czegoś
tide of something
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masa jakichś ludzi (np. uchodźców)
swim with the tide
Carey bobbed like jetsam, always awkward even though Ellwood was swimming with the tide.
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płynąć z prądem (myśleć tak jak wszyscy)
age of tide
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wiek pływu
tide of violence
This action, however, did not stop the tide of violence.
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fala przemocy
tide is out
When the tide is out, we can walk further along the beach.
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jest odpływ
tide is in
When the tide is in, only a boat will do.
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jest przypływ
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ślad na plaży po przypływie morza
tide-mark informal british english
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osad na wannie po kąpieli
tide somebody over something
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pozwalać komuś przetrwać, pomóc komuś
A control lock may also be known as a tide lock where it is used to control seawater entering into a body of fresh water.
A control lock may also be known as a tide lock where it is used to control seawater entering into a body of fresh water.
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tide lock
flowing tide
The river was too deep, and the flowing tide made it too fast for any man to cross.
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prąd przypływu
flowing tide
He too found no excess of births during the flowing tide.
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rosnąca fala
half tide
Half tide docks are particularly useful in areas with a large tidal range.
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półamplituda pływu
neap tide
With a neap tide, our chances should be pretty good.
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pływ kwadraturowy (związany z fazą księżyca)
tide race
He made the cut ahead of the tide race and finally saw something to smile about.
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silny prąd pływu
arms race
The arms race must be stopped in the third world too.
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wyścig zbrojeń
tide gate
The tide gate prevents this from happening by only allowing water past at low tide.
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śluza basenu pływowego
tide gauge
However, further work with long tide gauges records revealed that sea level acceleration may have started earlier, over 200 years ago.
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mareograf, pływomierz
tide table
In any case, since 1985 no human at the airport has needed a tide table.
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tablica pływów
spring tide
It was a strong spring tide, and took us fast.
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pływ syzygijny (zjawisko pływowe powstające, gdy Ziemia, Księżyc i Słońce znajdują się w linii prostej)
rock pool british english, tide pool american english
There is a large rock pool at the northern end.
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zagłębienie z wodą w nadmorskich skałach
the incoming tide
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zbliżający się przypływ
the incoming tide
They would be visible then, and in the open against an incoming tide.
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fala napływu
swim against the tide
They had been swimming against the tide, which was coming in from the ocean.
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płynąć pod prąd
swim against the tide
How are these teams swimming against the tide with such success?
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płynąć pod prąd (myśleć po swojemu)
flood tide
There'll be no flood tide until late tonight, so here's the plan
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tide line
They can therefore be built above the high tide line.
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linia zasięgu wód przypływu
Darkness fell upon the land, and the sea was still, while the world waited for what should betide.
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przytrafić się, przydarzyć się, zdarzyć się
woe betide somebody
But woe betide the one she did not speak for!
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biada komuś
And woe be to anyone who tried to take him away from it.
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cierpienie, żałość, rozpacz
The state's economic woes have been an issue in the campaign.
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nieszczęścia, kłopoty, niedola
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woe is me
The thinking will not be "woe is me, and hand it off six times," Hackett said.
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mam same zmartwienia
tale of woe
I can sit down and tell you tales of woe from here to China.
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lament, biadolenie
His energy policy would be a boon to the oil industry.
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skarb, dobrodziejstwo
boon companion
Over the last year, solitude had become his boon companion.
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bliski przyjaciel
ace boon coon
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swój człowiek, ziomal, ziomalka
You can get 4 times as much energy from tidal than wind.
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Tidal changes have been at work on the religious scene before.
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chwilowy, czasowy (stale się zmieniający)
tidal bore, bore, aegir, eagre, eygre
They rushed upon him with a force like a gigantic tidal bore.
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fala skacząca, gwałtowna fala przypływu od morza
tidal wave
The tidal wave beyond them was half as high again.
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fala pływowa, fala pływu
tidal wave
It was like a great tidal wave inside her, over which she had no control.
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fala uczuć (np. gniewu, radości)
tidal current, tidal stream
It is very rarely still because of the strong tidal currents.
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prąd pływu
tidal basin
Montrose in the north east of the county is notable for its tidal basin.
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basen pływowy
river basin
In this way, the king gained control of the river basin.
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dorzecze, zlewnia (rzeki)
tidal flat
During low tide, a limited number of people are allowed to walk on the tidal flats.
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teren zalewany w czasie przypływu
tidal river
The banks of the tidal river are lined with mangroves.
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rzeka z pływami
tidal power
The area has also been studied for the potential use of tidal power.
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energia pływów
tidal waters
Half the qualifying sea time must be conducted in tidal waters.
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wody fal pływowych
tidal power station
I'm not sure why they more is not made of tidal power stations.
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elektrownia pływowa
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basen, zlewisko, dorzecze
She put the basin away and came back to the bed.
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miednica, miska
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zagłębienie, niecka
sugar bowl, sugar basin
Could you take the sugar bowl out of the cupboard?
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cukierniczka, cukiernica
drainage basin
Over a half million people live in its drainage basin.
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zlewisko, dorzecze
catch basin, catch pit british english
It seemed to be coming from between me and the catch basin.
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osadnik kanalizacyjny
washbasin, wash-hand basin
He walked across to the washbasin and looked in the mirror.
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The washbasin is blocked.
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Umywalka jest zatkana.
artesian basin
The Great Artesian Basin is an important water source for the state.
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niecka artezyjska
artesian well
The water in the was supplied by an artesian well.
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studnia artezyjska
coal basin
The lignite deposit is part of the Moscow coal basin.
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niecka węglowa
pedestal basin
The Cottage suite is distinguished by its pretty shapes and proportions, featuring a charming fluted design, which extends from the pedestal basin to the bath and w.c.
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umywalka na nóżce
pedestal table
Only the pedestal table was clearly better than I could do.
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stół na jednej nodze
pudding basin
Cut the string, foil and paper off the pudding basin.
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naczynie do gotowania puddingu
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wicher, trąba powietrzna
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come in like a whirlwind
He came in like a whirlwind, racing through the doors in his haste to find us.
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wpaść jak burza
They that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind
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Kto sieje wiatr zbiera burzę
None of these things appears to be an indictable offense.
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podlegający zaskarżeniu, karalny
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offense, offence
It was a gross offence.
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offense, offence
He thus gave some offence to the high church party.
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offense, offence
But really how many people want to watch a game with no offence.
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attack British English, offense American English
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atak (zawodnicy atakujący, np. w piłce nożnej)
criminal offense
I'd even make it a criminal offense, not just civil.
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przestępstwo karne
driving offence, driving offense
Josh was sentenced to prison for his second drink driving offence.
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wykroczenie drogowe
summary offence, summary offense
The summary offences of harassment "cast the net too wide".
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występek (rozpatrywany w trybie uproszczonym)
serious offence, serious offense
In addition to all else it is, of course, a serious offence.
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poważne wykroczenie
sex crime, sex, offense, sex offense
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przestępstwo na tle seksualnym
Only a prior scourging could have prepared him for what came next.
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chłostanie, biczowanie
History has never seen such a scourge before, or since.
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plaga (np. szczurów), zmora (rzecz powodująca cierpienia, nieszczęścia)
He's a scourge to his teachers.
rozpocznij naukę
utrapienie (o osobie
rozpocznij naukę
bicz (używany do wykonywania kary chłosty w przeszłości)
to scourge
Emily knew all that, but even knowing it, the words scourged her.
rozpocznij naukę
ciężko doświadczać, nękać (kogoś)
to scourge
His body was scourged and wounded in so many places.
rozpocznij naukę
biczować, chłostać (kogoś)
This would be a good time to instigate some control.
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wszcząć, wszczynać, przystąpić, przystępować (np. dochodzenie, do ataku)
A book giving the history of the man and the race he instigated.
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namówić, namawiać, podżegać (np. do buntu)
If the instigator is clear, she said, the military should quickly respond.
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podżegacz, pomysłodawca, przywódca
A sense of place rather than a generic set is more important.
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ogólny, pospolity, uogólniony
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rozpocznij naukę
Generics are not necessarily a bad thing in my opinion.
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typy ogólne
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rodzajowo, pod względem rodzaju
generic type argument
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argument typu ogólnego
Most of the ones I tried were too generically sweet.
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ogólnie, zwyczajnie
generic type definition
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definicja typu ogólnego
generic delegate
In the Joins API, synchronous as well as asynchronous methods are implemented as generic delegates.
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delegowanie ogólne
generic programming
He is known for his work in generic programming, particularly as applied to C++.
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programowanie ogólne
generic competition
Yet little attention has been paid to how delays in generic competition are driving up drug costs.
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konkurencja uniwersalna
generic method
There is also the possibility to create generic methods based on given parameters.
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metoda ogólna, metoda generyczna
generic advertising
But the generic advertising program did not raise those concerns, Justice Stevens said.
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reklama instytucjonalna
generic resource
Database management, statistical analysis, wordprocessing were far more fruitful used as generic resources than programs teaching curriculum-specific information and ideas.
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generic resource
generic competitor
All were created to deal with looming losses to generic competitors.
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konkurent rodzajowy
generic name
It's because they don't even have a generic name for themselves.
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nazwa rodzajowa
generic product
There is now a lot of very good generic product on the market.
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product bez nazwy handlowej (np. gaz), produkt niemarkowy
generic drugs
In the case of generic drugs, the situation is different.
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leki generyczne, zamienniki leków oryginalnych
loom large
How can we make the small loom large in a child's life?
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odgrywać ważną rolę
Jacquard loom
Although Jacquard looms have been going for over 100 years, improvements are still being carried out.
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maszyna żakardowa
Again the fabric is different to either of the previous jacquards.
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żakard (tkanina)
at large
The three men are little known to the public at large.
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na wolności
at large
He could have been talking to the country at large.
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w całości, w ogólnym ujęciu
Then one of the black things was looming over her.
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wyłaniać się, majaczyć, widnieć
One of the looms is a 150 year old original.
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krosno, warsztat tkacki
That way we only need one third as many looms.
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niejasno zarysowany widok
be at large
Hard to see how he could still be at large without help.
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być na wolności
be on the loose
A dangerous criminal is on the loose
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być na wolności
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ambasador w misji specjalnej
the population at large, the public at large, the society at large
The population at large is split on whether to support more rights for women.
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szeroki ogół
looney, loony, loony tune american english
He wanted to be sure the loonies were out of his life once and for all.
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bzik, dziwak, dziwaczka, cudak, pomyleniec
looney, loony, loony tune american english
You'd have to be some kind of loony to go around telling people that.
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szurnięty, pomylony, zbzikowany
large, lge.
The room was large and comfortable.
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duży, wielki
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gruby (o człowieku)
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pełnym kursem
l, large
"What does L on the label of this shirt mean?" "It means that this shirt has a large size."
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duży (rozmiar ubrania)
Could you enlarge this picture?
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This is due to its dark surface and larger-than-average distance from the Sun.
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She went on to lose the race by a larger-than-expected 20 percent margin.
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wyższy niż się spodziewano
large tip, big tip
And so they hand out a larger tip or a little present of money.
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duży napiwek
Anyone can learn the ins and outs of a balance sheet, but to truly exercise the responsibility of publisher is a question of character - meaning an integrity of personality, a large-mindedness, along with a helmsman's instinct for restraint or boldness.
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tolerancyjność, szerokość poglądów
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tolerancyjnie, z szerokimi poglądami
larger than life
They both had to make themselves larger than life to get attention.
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przerysowany, nadmierny
in large measure
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w dużym stopniu
large intestine
The food that is still left goes into the large intestine.
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jelito grube
small intestine
They had to remove part of my large and small intestine.
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jelito cienkie
bowel, intestine
The small intestine is approximately six metres long.
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irritable bowel syndrome, spastic colon, ibs
IBS does not lead to more serious conditions in most patients.
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zespół jelita nadwrażliwego (schorzenie charakteryzujące się bólami brzucha i zaburzeniami rytmu wypróżnień)
Large Hadron Collider, lhc
As they are the cause and the effect is the LHC shutting down.
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Large Hadron Collider, Wielki Zderzacz Hadronów
larger than normal
The one who was waiting for me seemed a little larger than normal, but otherwise looked just like all the others.
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większy niż norma
a bowel movement
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ruch robaczkowy jelit (powodujący trawienie pokarmów stałych)
bowel movement
Going longer than three days without a bowel movement is too long.
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in large part
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w większości
in large part, for the most part
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w przeważającym stopniu, w dużym stopniu
In any case, there is a natural largeness about what he does that makes us go along with it.
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duże rozmiary, wielkość
to a large extent
To a large extent they do so with people's help.
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w dużym stopniu
large white
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bielinek kapustnik (motyl)
large white
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jorkszyr (rasa świń)
large black
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świnia kornwalijska
by and large
By and large they all get on very well together.
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ogólnie rzecz biorąc, w sumie
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na wielką skalę, dużej skali
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na małą skalę, małej skali
large organization, large organisation
Still, one must expect those things in a large organization.
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duża organizacja
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large print
Most of our forms are also available in large print.
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duży druk
somewhat larger
And the party was somewhat larger than he had realized.
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nieco większy
large building
They could see the entire inside space of the large building.
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wielkoduszny, o wielkim sercu
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średnio duży
large edition
However, they could not ensure all the necessary rights for such a large edition.
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wydanie wielonakładowe
bulk large
His solid presence, bulking large so close at hand, finally made her feel safe.
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być czegoś ważną częścią, być ważnym
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extra large, xl
It's easy to understand why so many people choose extra large.
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bardzo duży (rozmiar ubrania)
large-scale advertising
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reklama na wielką skalę
She put the phone down for a moment, eyes misting over.
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Simply open them and they will show you the mist.
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demist, defog
Lucy paused in her attempt to direct a blast of hot air from the heater so it would defog the glass.
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usuwać zamglenie
Said they were rabbi ting and I might get shot.
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dźwięk dzwonka, dzwonienie
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dzwonić, brzęczeć
hills veiled in mist
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wzgórza spowite mgłą
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czarnuszka damasceńska (gatunek rośliny)
Scotch mist
Her heart sank when she noticed how empty the deck of the Scotch Mist was.
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gęsta mgła z mżawką
sea mist
It began to burn its way through the shifting sea mist.
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mgła morska
red mist
As before, the figure came toward me out of a red mist.
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zaćmienie, mgła przed oczami
angel dust, angel hair, angel poke, angel mist
And tried to remember what she knew about angel dust.
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anielski pył (PSP - psychodeliczna substancja psychoaktywna)
mist over
And Katie could see his eyes beginning to mist over.
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mist up
Will the glasses be worn in hot conditions and mist up?
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pokrywać się mgłą, pokrywać się parą wodną
morning mist
He could see quite clearly, as if through a thin morning mist.
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poranna mgła
He is having a little bit of the misty eyes?
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zamglony (np. o oczach pełnych łez)
foggy, misty
The weather is foggy today.
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mglisty (o pogodzie)
foggy, misty
His mind was still foggy.
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zamglony (o umyśle)
foggy, misty
It's foggy today.
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mający łzy w oczach
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przez łzy
She smiled mistily up at the face of her son.
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mgliście, mglisto
For a moment there was a mistiness in her eyes, then she recovered.
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There were perhaps a score of these, but in the mistiness I could not make out their outlines.
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niejasność, zawikłana sprawa

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