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to be laid back
I've never seen her worried or anxious in any way - she's so laid-back.
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calmed and relaxed
tight fisted
Don't wait for Gillian to buy you a drink - she's too tight-fisted.
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unwilling to spend money
a whinger
His friend Jon is such a whinger.
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a person who complains all the time
a party animal
Sarah's a real party animal - she likes to dance all night.
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someone who enjoys having fun
a macho
He's too macho to admit he was hurt when his girlfriend left him.
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man who consider himself a real man
a ladies' man
John was always a bit of a ladies' man.
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a man who gives women a lot of attention
She's a terrible hypochondriac - she's always at the doctor's.
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a person who worries all the time that has every illness under the sun
a know-all
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a person who thinks he knows everything
Some celebs are just self-absorbed egomaniacs.
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someone who considers themselves to be very important and able to do anything that they want
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a woman who involves with a lot of men
Teachers usually know who the bullies are in a class.
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someone who hurts or frightens someone who is smaller or less powerful
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person who behaves strangely/ freak
to be a snob
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a person with an exaggerated respect for high social position
to be cynical
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believing that people have hidden interests
to be charming
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pleasant and attractive
to be a really bitchy
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someone who is gossiping about others
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noun of arrogant
to be incompetent
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not having the ability to do something as it should be done
to have a stubborn streak
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stubborn tendency
to be intense
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extreme and forceful
to be willing to do sth
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to be happy to do something if it is needed
to be a slacker
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a laid-back in a negative way
to make up one's mind
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to make a final decision
to back down
She refused to back down on a point of principle.
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not be willing to chage his mind
to go behind someone's back
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to do something that is kept a secret form someone affected by it
to undermine
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to make someone less confident, less powerful
to take no notice of sth
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do not care
to stick to your principles
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to stand up for what someone believe
to take everything in somebody's stride
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to deal with a problem calmly
to be shy and retiring
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not confident
to be the center of attention
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everything is about this person
to lighten up
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to become more relaxed and less serious
to be prone to doing something
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to have tendency to doing something
to suck up to somebody
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to be extremely nice to someone in order to get something
to get ahead
It's tough for a woman to get ahead in politics./ She's the kind of person who's constantly sucking up to the boss in order to get ahead.
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iść naprzód/to be successful in the work that you do
I really like the new car that I bought, and that car dealership is really great overall. But ugh ... the salesman that I got was so cheesy./ Ugh. My uncle Steve always tells cheesy jokes and embarrasses me in front of my friends.
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cheap, unpleasant
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hypnotize/ to have someone's attention completely so that they cannot think of anything else
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very intense
silver fox
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very attracirve elderly
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He's very modest about his achievements.
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not usually talking about or making obvious your own abilities and achievements
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bright/ rude
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person does not plan much and accepts what happens without becoming worried
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not natural
full of himself
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unapproachable person
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not friendly
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polite or respectable
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informal and friendly, gossipy
a coach potatoe
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a snob

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