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trashy, tacky
lepki, kleisty
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sticky, tacky
The paint's still slightly tacky.
tandetny, niskiej jakości
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ticky-tacky houses, buildings etc are made of material that is cheap and of low quality
przyziemny, praktyczny, twardo stąpający po ziemi
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powściągliwy, skryty
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z dystansem, z dala od kogoś
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remain/stay aloof (FROM somebody)
przekazać coś
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to ger sth across
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He quickly becomes argumentative after a few drinks.
Mam swoje nawyki/utarte zwyczaje.
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I'm set in my ways.
Mark was 65 and rather set in his ways (=habits).
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vulnerable TO sth
drażliwy: o osobie, o temacie
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It is a touchy subject for her, let's better leave it alone.// a touchy business / touchy question / touchy situation
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moving, touching
making you feel pity, sympathy, sadness
delikatny, kruchy
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fragile /frA-/
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pogodny, dobroduszny
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stadny (o zwierzęciu), towarzyski (o osobie)
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gregarious animals tend to live in a group
polubowny, przyjacielski, pokojowy
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Their relationship hasn't always been amicable.
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pracowity, pilny
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wielki, silny
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forceful; a forceful personality/character/opponent
He GAINED a reputation as a forceful member of the party.
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persuasive argument/evidence
natrętny, natarczywy, nachalny
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a pushy salesman
kraj basków
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THE Basque Country
dusić coś w sobie
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to bottle sth up
It is far better to cry than to bottle up your feelings.
punkt widzenia
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t put a new / a positive/ a fresh SLANT on sth
wypełniony łzami
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She looked at me tearfully.
iść w czyjeś ślady
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to follow in sb's footstepS
ona jest podobna do swojej mamy
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she takes aftr her mum
wzburzony, poruszony
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agitated; to get agitated
so nervous or upset that you are unable to keep still or think calmly
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worried or frightened about something, and unable to relax
tik nerwowy
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nervous twitch
wybuchowy, porywczy
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short-tempered, bad-tempered
koło zębate, trybik
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uparty jak osioł
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stubborn as a mule; stubborn mule
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to complement
John and Bob complemented each other well. he dark red walls complement the red leather chairs.
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The shop assistant was clearly a garrulous woman who enjoyed CHATTERING to her customers.
niedoskonałość (kogoś / czegoś), przywara
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I'm quite aware of my own inadequacies. the inadequacy of local health care
skołować, zbić z tropu
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to flummox
skołowany, abity z tropu
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I was completely flummoxed BY the whole thing.
kompetencje socjalne
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social competence, soft skills, emotional intelligence
wiedza lub umiejętność specjalistyczna
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special skills or knowledge in a particular subject, that you learn by experience or training
zdolność do zatrudnienia
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to judge sb's employability
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Children have an innate ability to learn language.
na początku słowa
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at the front of a word
planowy, planowany
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The team are due to fly to Italy next month. She's pregnant and the baby's due in April. The final results of the experiment are due on December 9. When are the library books due BACK?
mieć tendencje do robienia czegoś
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to be prone to do sth
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Customers may ask for a REfund if the goods are faulty.
u szczytu sławy
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at the peak/height of fame
Otwórzcie książki na stronie
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I'm ging to ask you to tunr to page...
mieć mieszane uczucia
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to have mixed feelings ABOUT sth
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knackerED, dead-beat
bardzo stary
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knackered, clapped-out (BrE)
zdumiony, osłuiały
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flabbergasted (inf)
extremely surprised or shocked; When I heard how much money we'd made, I was flabbergasted.
ujść z czymś na sucho, uniknąć kary za coś
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to get away with sth
usunąć kogoś z boiska
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to send sb off
bardzo szczęśliwy
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to be over the moon; to be on cloud nine; be in seventh heaven
She's over the moon about her new job.
wyrównywać się, równoważyć się
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to balance out
Sometimes I look after the kids and sometimes John does - it all balances out. Who is doing more for whom, and does it all balance out?
pewny siebie
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He's a cocky little man and I don't like him.
ściąć włosy
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to have your hair cut, to have a haircut
zrywać boki ze śmiechu
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laugh your head off
wpaść na kogoś
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bump into someone
w normalnych warunkach
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UNDER normal conditions
pod warunkiem, że
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on the condition that, on one condition
kryterium, miara, standard
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Profit is the most important yardstick of success for any business. These subjects are used as a yardstick against which to measure the children's progress.
średni, przecietny
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mediocre /miIOUke/
I thought the book was pretty mediocre.
mierność, miernota, przeciętność
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We would rather have the performance and pay for it than put up with mediocrity.
chodliwość towaru na rynku
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cechy charakteru
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personality/character traits
a mental illness associated with particular personality traits
to ma niewiele wspólnego z
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it has little to do with
znaczący dla
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it's crucial TO, it's relevant TO sth
wypaść dobrze na egzaminie
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to do well in an exam
wiedza techniczna
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technical knowledge
przystosowawczość, adaptabilność
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zdolność przekonywania, siła przekonywania
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jest powszechnie określane jako
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it's commonly referred to as sth
odgrywać ważną rolę
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to play an important role IN sth
biegły, doświadczony (w jakiejś dziedzinie)
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aDEPT AT sth
Melissa quickly became adept at predicting his moods. I'm afraid she's also an adept liar.
mistrzostwo, biegłość
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Still, with the proper equipment and a certain level of adeptness, it could be done.
istnieje powszechne przekonanie
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there is a common assumption
dać komuś zupełną swobodę
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give somebody (a) free rein
to give someone complete freedom to do a job in whatever way they choose
szczerze, otwarcie
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'You're drunk,' she said bluntly. To put it bluntly, she's not up to the job.
pracować w celu osiągnięcia celu
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to work towards a goal
ważny element
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vital component
jasny (o instrukcji), prosty (o sprawie), przystępny (o informacji)
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simple and easy to understand [≠ complicated] This area of law is far from straightforward (=complicated).
utrudniać, zakłócać
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to hinder
His career has been hindered by injury.
zapobiegać, uniemożliwić
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to prevent sb FROM doing sth
to make it impossible for someone to do something
mimo, niezależnie od
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notwithstanding, in spite of something
Notwithstanding differences, there are clear similarities in all of the world's religions. Fame and fortune notwithstanding, Donna never forgot her hometown.
wada, skaza w czymś
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flaw IN sth
wspólny, grupowy
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przewaga konkurencyjna
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competitive edge
The team seems to have lost its competitive edge recently (=its ability to compete well).
staje się bardzo ważny
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is becoming increasingly essential
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stawać się lepszym w czymś
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become better at something
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to hone
przebiegłość, spryt, pomysłowość
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przebiegły, sprytny, pomysłow
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clever and skilful, especially in the way you use words and argument
komplet, zestaw narzędzi
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tool kit (for survival)
to nie jest magiczny przepis
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it's no a magic formula FOR sth
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not good enough to compete successfully with others: not competitive
saldo, wynik finansowy; sedno sprawy; istotna kwestia
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the bottom line
n radio you have to keep the listener listening. That's the bottom line.
element ludzki
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the human ingredient
napisać z łącznikiem
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to hyphenate
mam zakwasy
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my muscles are sore / aching
nadmierne picie alkoholu
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excessive drinking
over-excessive drinking / smoking
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$15 for two beers seems a little excessive
przeterminowany (o płatnościach, książka z biblioteki), opóźniony
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The library books are overdue. The baby was a week overdue (=it was expected to be born a week ago). We welcome this announcement and think it's long overdue. Your homework is overdue.
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The team are due to fly to Italy next month. His new book is due to be published next year. She's pregnant and the baby's due in April. The final results of the experiment are due on December 9. When are the library books due back?
górować, wyróżniać się
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to excel IN / AT sth
Rick has always excelled at foreign languages.
przechodzić samego siebie
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to excel yourself with sth
want to be
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to emulate

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