Charlemagne - The end of Monnet

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*bond* markets
rozpocznij naukę
an agreement by a government or a company to pay you interest on the money you have lent; a document containing this agreement // obligacje
swoon (v.)
rozpocznij naukę
to feel very excited, emotional, etc. about somebody that you think is sexually attractive, so that you almost become unconscious
rozpocznij naukę
to make somebody/something weak
rozpocznij naukę
in an early stage of development
wobbly (adj.)
rozpocznij naukę
moving in an unsteady way from side to side / not firm or confident
bemoan (v.)
rozpocznij naukę
to complain or say that you are not happy about something
rozpocznij naukę
an expert in science, engineering, etc. who has a lot of power in politics and/or industry
pool (v.)
rozpocznij naukę
to collect money, information, etc. from different people so that it can be used by all of them
rozpocznij naukę
complete power to govern a country
throw the *bums* out
rozpocznij naukę
a lazy person who does nothing for other people or for society
rozpocznij naukę
making yourself seem more powerful or important
rozpocznij naukę
not very good; of only average standard
rozpocznij naukę
used to emphasize the size, degree or amount of something / complete and not mixed with anything else
rozpocznij naukę
to spread or to make something spread over a wide area
rozpocznij naukę
the government department that controls public money
trample (v.)
rozpocznij naukę
to step heavily on somebody/something so that you crush or harm them/it with your feet / to ignore somebody's feelings or rights and treat them as if they are not important
rozpocznij naukę
not having been chosen by people in an election
elder statesman
rozpocznij naukę
an old and respected politician or former politician whose advice is still valued because of his or her long experience
champion (v.)
rozpocznij naukę
to fight for or speak in support of a group of people or a belief
chair (v.)
rozpocznij naukę
to act as the chairman (the person in charge of a meeting, who tells people when they can speak, etc.) or chairwoman of a meeting, discussion, etc
at the expense of
rozpocznij naukę
with loss or damage to somebody/something
rozpocznij naukę
not happening at regular times; not following any plan or regular pattern; - that you cannot rely on -
rozpocznij naukę
difficult to control
rozpocznij naukę
to give somebody a lower or less important position, rank, etc. than before / to move a sports team, especially a football (soccer) team, to a lower position within an official league
bully (v.)
rozpocznij naukę
to frighten or hurt a weaker person; to use your strength or power to make somebody do something
wrangling (n.)
rozpocznij naukę
an argument that is complicated and continues over a long period of time
aggregate (adj.)
rozpocznij naukę
made up of several amounts that are added together to form a total number
rozpocznij naukę
using money, time, materials, etc. in a careless way
rozpocznij naukę
behaving in a very good and moral way
rozpocznij naukę
something that encourages you to do something
rozpocznij naukę
in a way that cannot be stopped or changed
rozpocznij naukę
a female servant / something that supports and helps something else
wage (n.)
rozpocznij naukę
a regular amount of money that you earn, usually every week, for work or services
rozpocznij naukę
money that the government pays regularly to people who are poor, unemployed, sick, etc
leap (v.)
rozpocznij naukę
a sudden large change or increase in something / a long or high jump

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