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Pytanie Odpowiedź
sono affamato. Anche io
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I'm hungry. So am I
io parlo inglese. Anche io
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I speak English. So do I
non mi piace il mio lavoro. Nemmeno a me
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I don't like my job. Neither do I
l'anno scorso ho avuto l'influenza. Anche io
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last year I had the flu. So did I
Non ho ancora visto quel film. Nemmeno io
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I haven't seen that movie yet. Neither have I
voglio andare al ristorante. Anche io
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I want to go to the restaurant. So do I
io sono di toronto. Anche Emma
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I'm from toronto. So is Emma
mia sorella è andata a toronto. Anche mio fratello
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my sister went to toronto. So did my brother
non posso andare alla festa. Nemmeno io
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I can't go to the party. Neither can I
lui parla inglese. Anche lei
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he speaks english So does she
io non parlo inglese. Nemmeno noi
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I don't speak English. Neither do we
lei non riesce a suonare il piano. nemmeno io
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she can't play the piano. Neither can I
potrei prendere il giorno di ferie al martedi?
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may I take the day off on Tuesday?
perchè sei cosi affamato? perchè non ho fatto colazione
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why are you so hungry? because I didn't have breakfast
quando sei arrivato qui? mezz'ora fa
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when did you get here? half an hour ago
il tempo era bello ieri?
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was the weather nice yesterday?
chi ama Lucy?
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who loves Lucy?
quanto costa il vestito in vetrina?
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how much is the dress in the window?
sei andato in qualche parte interessante lo scorso weekend?
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Did you go to anywhere interesting last weekend?
dove sei cresciuto?
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where did you grow up?
quando ti sei trasferito nella tua nuova casa?
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when did you move into your new home?
cosa stai ascoltando?
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what are you listening to?
lui lavora al burger king on bay street
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he works at the burger king on bay street
il mio ufficio è locato on albert street
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my office is located on albert street
hai mai vissuto in asia?
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have you ever lived in asia?
da dove vieni? vengo da una piccola città
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where are you from? I'm from a small town
hello, this is luca
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hello, this is luca
on the phone. hello, is this Paul? it is maria
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on the phone. hello, is this Paul? it is maria
stai venendo? ho appena bisogno di 5 minuti
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are you coming? I just need 5 minutes
la maglia ha delle righe rosse
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the shirt has red stripes
voglio una maglia blu a tinta unita
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I want a plain blue shirt
l anno scorso lei si ruppe la caviglia
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last year she broke her ankle
ti fa male lo stomaco?
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Does your stomach hurt?
il mal di schiena è doloroso
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back pain is painful
mi fa male il collo
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my neck hurts
lui ha avuto un infortunio
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he had an injury
il fienile odorava di fieno
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the barn smelled of hay
le mucche mangiano il fieno
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cows eat hay
bagni di fieno
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hay baths
in estate puoi vedere un sacco di balle di fieno nel campo
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in summer you can see lots of hay bales in the field
il fieno deriva dall'erba essicata
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the hay comes from the dried grass
nel fienile c'è il fieno
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in the barn there is hay
la falce è usata per tagliare l'erba
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the scyth is used to cut the grass
la chiave inglese è usata per svitare i tubi
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the wrench is used to unscrew the pipes
ho bisogno di un secchio
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I need a bucket
era caldo laggiu
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it was warm down there
ho bisogno di conoscerti
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I need to get to know you
non voglio disturbarti
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I do not want to bother you
lisa cammina verso il lavoro ogni mattina
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Lisa walks to work every morning
karen ha chiamato mentre eri fuori
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karen called while you were out
ieri un uomo è stato investito da una macchina
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yesterday a man was run over by a car
non c'è mai niente da fare qui
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there is never anything to do here
non avevo voglia di andare a dormire
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I didn't feel like going to sleep
ero stanco di stare fermo
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I was tired of standing still
lui guardò attraverso la recinzione
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he looked through the fence
lui parlava piuttosto veloce
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he spoke rather fast
un asse era allentata
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one board was loose
oggi Paul sta passando per una visita
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today Paul is coming over for a visit
nel mio quartiere posso fare tutte le mie commissioni
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in my neighborhood I can do all my errands
prima di prendere il gelato devo restituire questo libro
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before to get the ice cream I have to return this book
vorrei avere un frutteto
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I would like to have an orchard
mi piace passeggiare nel frutteto
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I like to stroll in the orchard
ho udito quel trambusto sono corso di sotto
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I heard that commotion I ran downstairs
stavo strappando le erbacce
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I was tearing the weeds
non ho avuto tanti incidenti relativi al lavoro
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I haven't had many job-related accidents
sono finito in ospedale
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I ended up in the hospital
quando lo vidi io mi sentì sollevato
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when I saw him I felt relieved
qual'è lo scopo della sua visita?
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what is the purpose of your visit?
quanto tempo starai in US?
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how long are you staying in the US?
dove starai?
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where are you staying?
conosci qualcuno qui?
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do you know anyone here?
quale compagnia lavorano?
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what company do they work for?
perche lei non poteva dormire?
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why couldn't she sleep?
dove andrai a prenderlo?
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where are you going to take him?
lui è meschino ma ha senso dell'umorismo
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he is mean but has a sense of humor
lui è un gran lavoratore e amichevole
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he is a hard worker and friendly
lui è loquace e aperto
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he is talkative and open
che musica stai ascoltando?
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what music are you listening to?
tuo fratello è piu vecchio di te?
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Is your brother older than you?
è una macchine che taglia l'erba
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it is a machine which cuts the grass
è un animale che vive nel mare
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it is an animal which lives in the sea
è una stanza dove le persone provano vestiti
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it's a room where people try on clothes
è un alimento che tiene i vampiri lontani
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it is a food that keeps vampires away
sarò capace di sgattaiolare sotto la porta
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I will be able to creep under the door
è inutile, non riesco a raggiungere la chiave
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it's no use, I can't reach the key
lei provo' a scalare ma il muro era troppo scivoloso
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she tried to climb up but the wall was too slippery
vorrei poter ripiegare come un telescopio
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I wish I could fold up ike a telescope

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